Jake Spearin
Fayetteville, West Virginia
Liz: “What is your greatest accomplishment so far?”
Jake: “Hm. I'm gonna have to say that it would be
that I am able to hold down a job, and not let my speech impediment get the
better of me. Despite the days where I felt like just giving up.”
L: “That's a
excellent accomplishment. What would you say is your greatest fear?”
J: “Speaking in public, most definitely.”
L: “Is that something you have to
deal with often?”
J: “No, it's not. It's also not
something I actively try to do, though.”
L: “What is one of the
funniest/most idiotic responses who have heard in response to your stutter?”
J: “Probably the typical ‘Slow
down,’ ‘Take a deep breath,’ ‘Think about what you want to say.’I was once
called ‘Waterboy,’ if you've ever seen that movie.”
L: “What is the best piece of
advice you've ever been given?”
J: “That I should stand up for
myself if I feel I am being mistreated for my impediment. I shouldn't be
treated differently just because I'm ‘not like the rest.’”
L: “What is something you want
people to know about your stutter?”
J: “That this has made me a better
person, a more understanding and caring person because of it. I know what it's
like to be different than others, to be laughed at and ridiculed, and that's
not something I can do to others.”
Keep calm and stutter on!
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