Adam Miller
Adam Miller is 15 years old and is from Washington State. Like 1% of the world population, he stutters. But just like any other 15 year old, he has dreams and things he wants to accomplish in life. He wants to succeed.
Liz: “What's your biggest goal in life?”
Adam: “Well, I've always wanted to be a
music teacher. I love music, and I love kids, so I thought it would be perfect!”
L: “Do you feel like your stuttering limits
you at all?”
A: “Yes I do. I feel like during job
interviews, or when I'm introducing myself, or talking in general, my stutter
holds me back.”
L: “Do you feel like you would talk more if
you didn't stutter?”
A: “Yes, I would.”
L: “What is something you want people to
know about your stutter?”
A: “That it is not, by any means, a mental
L: “Have you ever had someone treat you
that way before? And that's terrible by the way, so have I.”
A: “I walked away, and I never talked to him again. It's
an awful experience, I agree.”
L: “What would you say is the best piece of advice you've
ever been given?”
A: “That if people laugh at you, they don't deserve to hear
what you have to say”
L: “I totally agree. Who gave you that advice?”
A: “My speech therapist, when I was in the 6th grade.”
L: “What is some advice you would give to fluent people
about communication?”
A: “To be patient, and treat me just like you would anyone